Syed Abid Ali Shah
Chairman & Professor
International Islamic University, Islamabad
Dr Syed Abid Ali Shah is a Full time Chairman & Professor of Civil Engineering Department at International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He pursued his Post doctorates in Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics. He is Registered as Professional Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council (Life Registration), Member German Engineering Research Foundation (2001-2005),Member Technical Committee for Concrete Reinforcing Materials, Botswana Bureau of Standards (Member of International Organization for Standardization-ISO), Gaborone Botswana-Southern Africa (2005-2006),Member Saudi Council of Engineers (2009-Present).His Experience and skills enlighten working with Large structural frames (6000 kN capacity) for testing of large scale proto-type flexural and compression members and ACI code, ASTM, AISC, LRFD standards for analysis and design of steel structures, German and Japanese standards for design of concrete structures.
Research Interest
• Non-linear ultrasonic and acoustic emission evaluation of structural materials degradation • Application of artificial neural network (ANN) to analysis of steel and concrete structures • Inverse problems in acoustic tomography • Punching shear of flat-plate slab-column connections in high-rise buildings • Mechanics of structures • Fracture mechanics • Infrastructure health and system monitoring, repair, rehabilitation/retrofitting of Structures