Zahiraniza Mustaffa
Associate Professor
University Technology PETRONAS
Dr. Zahiraniza Mustaffa is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) for nearly 15 years. She obtained her PhD majoring in Pipeline Reliability from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering, from the University of Alberta, Canada and Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) in Civil Engineering from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Dr. Zahira specializes in the field of pipeline engineering as well as hydraulic engineering, covering the aspects of urban hydraulics and probabilistic structural designs. Her research capability in the pipeline engineering field is portrayed through the cumulative research grant values of RM 2 mil. secured from various international, national and consultancy resources. She has also developed a software and training module for PETRONAS on the reliability assessment of corroded pipelines using probabilistic approaches. Dr. Zahira received a prestigious research grant from the Schlumberger Foundation and currently an Ambassador for the Faculty for the Future of the foundation in promoting women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Recently, the Sumitomo Foundation, Japan research grant was awarded to her which aims at comparing and strengthening women involvement in STEM university research between the Malaysian and Japanese.
Research Interest
• Probabilistic structural designs • pipeline engineering • Hydrology